August 2012

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ICAN Supports The National Rally For Change!

On Labor Day, September 3, 2012, over 100 cities across all 50 states will host rallies to show support for improving birth practices in the United States. These rallies, hosted by, have quickly gained widespread viral support and the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) is proud to support our members’ and chapter leaders’ participation […]

Amy's 2 VBAC Birth Stories

The VBAC Birth of Katherine Elizabeth (10/22/2008) My first child was born by unnecessary c-section.  Partly due to my own ignorance on what happened in hospitals and what necessitated a c-section.  And a lot to do with my doctor withholding information, lying to me about what was happening, and wanting to get back to his […]

Trial of Labor Update

The film Trial of Labor only needs another $520 by this Friday to meet its goal! Please join ICAN in supporting this film by contributing $5, $10, $50 or whatever you can afford, no matter how small. Not only do we show support by the dollar amount raised, but by the number of people who […]

Miranda's VBAC of Emma

I get so overwhelmed with the thought of writing this birth story that I’ve started and stopped (in my head, at least) half a dozen times or more. Do I make it funny? Heartfelt? Serious? All of the above? Can I adequately encompass all the emotions I went through on Monday? Have gone through during […]

Brandy's 11lb4oz Mother's Day HBA3C

When I found out I was pregnant I was very happy about the baby, but could not bear the thought of a 4thC-section. I knew I had to do things different this time! I read all I could about a HBAMC and talked to as many women as I could that have had a successful […]

"A Doula Story"–Be on the Lookout!

A few months ago, I was contacted by a production company, The Kindling Group, about a documentary film they created about a doula working with pregnant teens in a disadvantaged neighborhood.  Being a doula in training myself, and recognizing how important doulas are for all moms who want them, I was very excited to view […]

Micaela's VBAC

Two years ago this month, my older son, M. was born. He came into the world via a necessary, though unanticipated, cesarean birth. His birth left my husband and I feeling fairly traumatized and uncertain if we would be willing to take a gamble on another birth experience. I initially felt like I would be […]

Sarah's HBA2C

Background: My first cesarean was a result of lack of education completely. I put my full trust in my OB and never questioned a thing. It was an elective cesarean at the OB’s prompting as a result of the baby’s size. I remember her discussing concerns with me about the baby being too big, getting […]

ICAN Support Webinar August 3, 2012

Please join us for a free online support Webinar, Friday, August 3, 2012 at 9 PM Eastern. These meetings are a great place to share your story, connect with other moms who understand and help others on their own journeys as well.  To register, please click the following link: Hope to see you there!