December 2012

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Advocacy Project–ICAN ladies, we need your help!

Are you pregnant or did you recently have an HBAC (or plan an HBACthat ended in a CBAC) in an area that is not friendly to VBACs? Weneed stories from HBAC moms, CBAC moms (who planned an HBAC) or moms planning HBACS in areas where; 1) hospital policy prohibits VBACs and2) the state legislation either […]

Kelly's VBAC of Kathleen

Like most women who VBAC, my birth story begins with the birth of my son a little less than three and a half years prior to the birth of my daughter. While I wasn’t exactly ignorant of the birthing process with him, I trusted that I would be able to deliver him without a cesarean. […]

Tonya's HBAC of Kaia

For months and months I have dreamt of this moment. The moment when my daughter would be here and I would be able to say that I did it. I had my home birth after cesarean. I imagined what my birth story would contain and couldn’t wait to write it. And now that the time […]