Advocacy Project–ICAN ladies, we need your help!

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Are you pregnant or did you recently have an HBAC (or plan an HBAC
that ended in a CBAC) in an area that is not friendly to VBACs? We
need stories from HBAC moms, CBAC moms (who planned an HBAC) or moms planning HBACS in areas where;

1) hospital policy prohibits VBACs and
2) the state legislation either does not allow homebirths or
specifically prohibits HBACS.

Stories can involve VBA1C or VBA2C. We are looking for situations where moms really had no hospital or legal homebirth VBAC choices in their area due to both hospital policy and state legislation. If you know anyone please email Ruthie ASAP. Names are completely confidential.


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One Response

  1. Hi, I want to share my history but some times, I have trouble to express myself in english. I’m a spanish speaker, but as soon as I get home I’ll start writing my history. Thank you.

    P.S. I understand a 95% english.

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