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ICAN Supports "Trial of Labor" documentary

ICAN is pleased to support “Trial of Labor,” a documentary about the journey of four women who are pregnant, had undergone C-sections and were determined to try and birth naturally. This is an important film that is aligned with ICAN’s mission and message. Each of the mothers had individually sought the education they needed to […]

ICAN Supports National Rally for Change

We are very pleased and excited to support our members’ participation in the “National Rally for Change,” a national movement to improve birth in America. At least 40 cities across the country are holding a “National Rally for Change” on Labor Day, September 3, 2012, to bring awareness to the alarmingly high rates of medically […]

Isha's Birth: From ERCS to unmedicated VBAC

From the time my husband and I learned I was pregnant with our second child, we began discussing whether I would opt for the repeat c-section or go for the VBAC. My daughter was breech during my first pregnancy, which led to the c-section.   I had been planning throughout my first pregnancy that I would […]

Victoria's Births of Reagan and Liam

The Birth Stories of Reagan Renae and Liam David My daughter Reagan was born on February 4th 2009. I was 23 years old, and not very educated at ALL on natural birth. All I knew is that I wanted to give birth without drugs, but knew that pain meds could be an option. I had […]

Alejandra's HBA2C

I had had two previous c-sections due to “failure to progress” or perhaps “too small pelvis, too big head” according to my doctors. When I shopped around for someone who will do a VBA2C in NYC no one would take me, until I found an amazing midwife who only does home births. After hearing my […]

Safe Motherhood Quilt Project Heads to Harrisburg, PA

The Safe Motherhood Quilt Project is heading to Harrisburg, PA and ICAN of Harrisburg is one of their sponsors.  Please see the press release below with details about where the quilt will be on display and check it out if you are able. For Immediate Release Contact: Lexi Abeln, 717-215-0349, lexiabeln@aol.com Renowned Author to Headline Safe […]

Jesse's VBAC of Hattie

I can’t say I was totally patient that last week of pregnancy, but I was trying!  I certainly enjoyed the alone time with my daughter, before she was promoted to big sister.  A week before I actually went into labor, I had prodromal labor for 8 hours.  It started at 4 pm, with contractions 10 […]

Jane's Birth Story

definitely- my firstborn son made his entrance into the world( although this idea confuses me a little, because i think he was every bit as much alive and therefore “part of the world” when he was inside of me… andrew and i both think people should count years by conception dates rather than birthdays – […]

Kristi's Birth of William

A Wish, A Prayer and a Special Scar With each of my three children, my views about birth have changed and grown and matured based on the birth experience I had with each of them.  But none of my three pregnancies and births changed me quite as much as the birth of my third child […]

Kari Jo's VBAC of Drake

I spent nearly all my “active” labor with my first son, Tavin, being as inactive as possible: in bed, hooked up to an IV, continuous EFM, narcotics first—and then an epidural at 9cm.  My bag was ruptured to “help speed things along.”  I pushed for two hours before Dr. L said it was looking like […]

Hilary's Birth of Jonathan

Jonathan’s Birth Story, 3/31/07 I have been fascinated with childbirth as long as I can remember.  So, when my own pregnancy happened, I felt very confident that I would have the vaginal birth that I planned on and assumed would happen.  My pregnancy was complication free, I never measured “big,” and everything looked great.  At […]