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Katie's Birth of James

My son is kind of a double anomaly-he came on his due date, April 17th, and my water broke before labor began, two things that I was told very rarely ever happen. Those weren’t the only two things about my labor that were completely and utterly unexpected. I planned very much on delivering naturally-I was […]

Amy's Birth of Krogan

Amy’s birth of Krogan: My appointment the day before Krogan’s birth, the midwife swept my membranes (at 39 weeks) without asking me if that was what I wanted. I did not want to be swept and she had reviewed my birth plan the week before that stated I didn’t want any such interventions.  Krogan was […]

Elizabeth's VBAC

My story begins in March of 2008 with a positive pregnancy test for my first baby, which readers of the ICAN blog should know by now ended in a c-section. To cut to the chase, this c-section  in December of 2008 was horrific. I had labored for 40 hours, something like 30 of those narturally. […]

The family centered cesarean

The Family Centered Cesarean: A Woman-Centered Technique by Stephanie Stanley, Chapter Leader ICAN of Phoenix A natural cesarean? You may have heard the term being used lately, largely as a result of this video that is circling around, but what exactly is a natural cesarean? Seems like an oxymoron right? The natural cesarean, or family […]

Olivia's Birth Story–A whole lot of surprises!

Telling the story of my most recent birth requires the telling of the one that preceded it.  They are so intimately connected that they have become parts of the same story. My pregnancy with my firstborn, Bruin, was wonderful.  I really liked most of the doctors who made up my OB team, and felt confident […]

Dawn's Birth of Markalee

Baby Markalee My first c-section was with my sixth pregnancy, which I carried as a surrogate mom. I unfortunately wasn’t matched with the best doctor or couple. The doctor claimed the baby was large and was going to get stuck in the birth canal during birth. The couple I was carrying for just wanted the […]

Stephanie's HBAC of Maya

The Birth of Maya I began this pregnancy feeling an intense amount of pressure to do things right this time, to have a VBAC, to prove that I could do it and avoid all the heartache that clouded the birth of my son, born via cesarean just 25 months before his sister. I was excited […]

Activism & You

From Kelly Fischer, Chapter Leader of ICAN of Northeast Iowa. 1. Thank A Provider – solicit your chapter supporters to each write a thank you letter to at least one of their care providers, or as many as they’d like.  For any care providers who are local and hospital based, offer to drop off the […]

Ellen's Birth of Lucy

Lucille Catherine graced us with her presence on July 21, 2011 at 2:11pm. It was easily the most beautiful moment of my life, but at the same time, the most heartbreaking.  When I look back at her birth, I remember it initially as a time of joy and love and then the trauma and resentment […]

Kara's Birth Stories

For pictures and more, check out Kara’s blog, Emotional Healing From Cesarean. Jason’s Birth- Unplanned Cesarean Before the birth of my first son I believed that birth was easy. You go to the hospital, get your epidural, and in a few hours pop out a baby. Of course I had heard the horror stories of […]

Jessica's VBAC of Xander

At about 6 months gestation, I went to the E.R. for what I thought was premature labor.  My previous pregnancy had resulted in a miscarriage so I had some cause for concern.  After plenty of testing, the results were inconclusive.  I was having some fierce abdominal pain that we could not identify.  I went home […]

Amy's Births of Jack and Xander

JACK’S BIRTH STORY A Scheduled C-Section My due date was October 5, 2008.  And as the end of September rolled on, there was absolutely zero sign that Jack would join us any time soon.  Not a single contraction, nothing.  Each week at my doctor appointments, I got the same news.  A fingertip dilated and not […]