Home » 2013

Failure to Progress in Labor

Many women that are told they need a cesarean for “failure to progress” may not realize that the doctor is likely looking at their labor and dilation and comparing it to research called Friedman’s Curve. This research was completed with 500 women more than 60 years ago.  A woman may be told that her doctor […]

Can Inducing Labor Lead to Cesarean?

A labor induction uses medication, like Pitocin, or other techniques to bring on (induce) contractions in a pregnant woman. Induction occurs in more than 23% of births (Census.gov) in the United States every year. That is, one in five women will have their labor induced. Studies show that there is increased risk for cesarean as […]

Eric is Born: Our Peaceful, Extraordinary VBAC-Homebirth-Waterbirth

Wednesday, January 18, 10:30 p.m. The boys were dreaming peacefully in their bedroom.  Tim lay beside me, his breath quiet and even with the pace of an already deep sleep. ContractionMaster.com was opened up on the phone in front of me.  (And yes, a Chipotle burrito was digesting inside of me.  OF COURSE labor began […]

In Conversation with Rebecca Dekker

Who: ICAN members What: A discussion with Rebecca Dekker around cesareans and cesarean prevention Where: Online Video and Voice When: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Register: Email speakerhost (at) ican-online (dot) org to receive an email with the link and password to join the conversation. Join this Online Event September 17th, 2013 at 5pm PST/7pm CT. […]

Ever Wonder About the Cesarean Rate for a Hospital Near You?

When I was pregnant with my first child, I did very little research. I mean, people have babies every day, right? My mom birthed all of her children naturally, so I just assumed that all I had to do was pack a bag and show up. But, being true to my type A personality, I […]

Help support ICAN

  18 months ago I delivered our first child, a healthy boy named Vance, by cesarean section. It was a completely unplanned emergency surgery that was far from the natural birth my husband and I had hoped and planned for. My birth experience left me feeling broken and heavy hearted; emotions that were in complete […]

Who can benefit from ICAN?

After a recent discussion with a group of women, I had two of them tell me that they didn’t think they would benefit from anything that had to do with ICAN. One believed ICAN was only for those who had a cesarean due to crazy circumstances and were upset about it and the other thought […]

Ina May Gaskin is coming to ICAN next Tuesday!

The International Cesarean Awareness Network’s Speaker Series Event Join this Online Event July 9th, 2013 at 3pm PST/5pm CT. You’ll need to register with the speaker series host first. Please email Thais at speakerhost (at) ican-online (dot) org with your first and last name to receive the password and link to enter the meeting. The […]

ICAN Speaker Series!

ICAN is excited to announce the kickoff of its Speaker Series.  Please join us as our Speaker Series Host, Thais Derich, interviews Sara Lamm, Director (with Mary Wigmore) and co-producer of Birth Story on Tuesday, May 14th 5:00 pm PST.  Birth Story has been screened in over 200 locations worldwide including several locations hosted by […]

Press Release: Threats to Rights of Pregnant Women

  For Immediate Release Contact: Cristen Pascucci March 13, 2013 Phone: (443) 622-2892 ImprovingBirth.org and International Cesarean Awareness Network Address Threats to Rights of Pregnant Women With protections for mothers under threat, advocacy groups call for solutions San Diego, CA–Maternity care advocacy groups speak out on the heels of last week’s public cases of a […]