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Lauren's Birth–Beginning the Process

Let me start by saying that when I got pregnant, a c-section was the furthest thing from my mind. My husband and I were living in Hattiesburg, MS when we found out and I was bemoaning the lack of birthing centers. There were was a group of midwives in a city 2 hours away, but […]

Pam's VBAC of Luis

This is Pam’s 3rd and final VBAC story.  Her first two VBAC stories were featured earlier this week on the Blog. I was 41 weeks pregnant with our fourth child and had been having irregular contractions all day when I decided I needed to go birthday shopping for my husband, whose birthday was the next […]

Pam's VBAC of Raquel

This is Pam’s 2nd VBAC.  The story of her first VBAC was published earlier this week on the Blog. Raquel’s birth once again proved the old adage: Expect the unexpected. My pregnancy was nearly perfect, so while I expected to pass my due date, I was somewhat surprised to find myself still pregnant after 41 […]

Pam's VBAC of Mateo

This week on the Blog, I thought it would be good to feature several birth stories from a mom who has had multiple VBACs.  I know when I was preparing for my VBA2C, I spent a lot of time thinking about my HBAC to CBAC birth and expecting my VBA2C to be just like that […]

Andrea's CBAC of Johnathan

This is Andrea’s story of her CBAC birth of baby Johnathan.  Andrea exerienced a complete uterine rupture, which both she and Johnathan survived.  When commenting, please keep in mind the incredible strength and courage it took for her to share her story so publicly. When we found out that we were expecting another baby, our […]

Are you a member of ICAN?

ICAN has been an all volunteer organization for more than three decades. With multiple goals –educating women about safe birth options; providing support for women recovering from cesareans; advocating for broader access to safe and evidence-based birth care for all women and babies — ICAN is always busy; our volunteers are amazing. ICAN asks you to consider membership, […]

Dr. Joseph Tate wins inaugural REAL Award

Dr. Joseph Tate of Atlanta, Georgia, a professional subscriber to ICAN, has been awarded the inaugural REAL Award in the field of Newborn and Mother Care.  Dr. Tate is a wonderful supporter and advocate for women, and has attended VbAmC, vaginal breech birth and even a VBA2C of triplets!  He is active in the Atlanta chapter […]

Marci’s New Year’s Day Blessing: The HBAC of Cayla Ariel

  Marci’s New Year’s Day Blessing: The HBAC of Cayla Ariel   This is the story of the HBAC of Cayla.  In many ways, it begins with the birth of her older sister, Annalise, so I’ll start there. Forty-nine hours into labor, I was transferred to the hospital, and after fifty-six hours of pain-med free […]

Andrea's HBAC of Josiah

Here is my birth story, about 99% complete.  Most of this story is from what I directly remember, but there are parts that I was told about afterwards, from my midwife and doula and a friend that was there, filling in the blanks when I was too out of it to fully realize what was […]