ICAN Names Laura Soisson January 2016 Volunteer of the Month!

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Volunteer of the Month for January 2016 Laura Soisson
ICAN Volunteer of the Month for January 2016 Laura Soisson

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission.

In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and advocacy for the mothers in their area, the International Cesarean Awareness Network is pleased to announce Laura Soisson as the Januray 2016 Volunteer of the Month.

Laura Soisson, this month’s honoree, is our dedicated chapter leader for ICAN of Hagerstown and Frederick in Maryland and has been working hard to bring awareness to her area.

Get to know our January 2016 Volunteer of the Month:

How long have you been an ICAN member?

I have been an ICAN member for almost two years.

How did you first find ICAN?

I knew of ICAN when my son was a baby. I think I heard about it in a moms’ group. I was glad to get involved when my local chapter needed more volunteers.

What motivates you as a volunteer?

I am motivated because we see every month the difference our local chapter makes by providing information and support. Every time a mom feels supported by our chapter, or a mom is empowered by information, or a mom finds out about resources or options she didn’t know were available, it is clear we are making a difference.

Do you have a profession or any other passions outside of ICAN?

I have been serving families as a professional doula for almost three years. I also volunteer with La Leche League and I’m a proud mama of an 8 year old.

What was your proudest moment as an ICAN volunteer? What about your hardest?

My proudest moment as an ICAN volunteer is any time a mother is helped by our chapter. My hardest moment as a volunteer has been staying encouraged and patient as we get the word out about our meetings – and that has paid off, we now have moms returning to meetings and our chapter seems to be growing.

Thank you Laura for all that you do to support birthing women!

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