Introducing Talia Haynes, our newest chapter leader!

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ICAN is excited to announce Talia Haynes as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Tucson!
If you could change one thing about the birth climate in your area, what would it be?
I would love for Tucson to have more home birth options. There are very few home birth midwives, and I would love for women to have that option, if they so wish.
What is the best thing about the birth climate in your area?
The best thing about the birth climate in Tucson is the birth tribe. Women are so supportive of one another here. There is also so many doulas down here that are always willing to help out a momma and answer any questions she might have about birth. Our doula network is magical.
Introducing Talia! 1 cesarean for "failure to progress" 1 CBAC for failed NST
Introducing Talia!
1 cesarean for “failure to progress”
1 CBAC for failed NST
How did you find out about ICAN? What drew you to our organization?
I first found out about ICAN shortly after I became pregnancy with my second baby. I was planning a VBAC and looking for support. A close friend of mine sent me a link to ICAN. Unfortunately there was no meetings in Tucson, so I started to make the trek up to Phoenix for their monthly meetings. I fell in love with these women and their beautiful stories, and felt so relieved when I found out that my feelings about my past birth were not uncommon.
What part of being an ICAN Chapter Leader are you most excited about and why?
I am most excited for Tucson to acquire such a strong support system. I think that there are too many women down here that are unaware of their options after cesarean, or are looking for support after a traumatic birth, that don’t actually have any support, or a way to gain the education they need to, in order to make the decisions they want, during childbirth and after.
What do you wish other people knew about ICAN?
I wish other people knew that ICAN is not anti cesarean! I have had a few people suggest that, during our conversations, at which I quickly corrected them. I think people hear “cesarean awareness” and automatically assume it means that we think cesareans are bad.
What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?
My strongest belief is that education is key. I think a lot of times our providers are not the best at educating us on all of our options and what might happen with each decision we make. It’s so important for women to get educated and know that they have a say in every aspect of their maternity care.
How would someone describe you?
I think someone might describe me as hard-working, but fun. Maybe funny, but that might be my own opinion.
Please share a little about yourself!
I am a mother of two sweet, little boys. My first just turned 4, and my second is 7 months. I just received my Associates Degree for Elementary Education and will be attending Northern Arizona University for Elementary and Special Education, in the fall. I moved to Tucson from Western Washington in October of 2008, and fell in love with the Sonoran Desert. There’s just something so special about a desert rain.
Welcome, Talia! We can’t wait to see how ICAN of Tucson impacts your community!

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