Dana Patterson named ICAN Volunteer of the Month for May!

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Meet Dana Patterson from ICAN of Upstate South Carolina!
Meet Dana Patterson from ICAN of Upstate South Carolina!

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission.

In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and advocacy for the mothers in their area, the International Cesarean Awareness Network is pleased to announce Dana Patterson as the May 2016 Volunteer of the Month.

Dana Patterson, this month’s honoree, is a dedicated volunteer out of ICAN of Upstate South Carolina. Her dedication to making the conference happen was above and beyond, and she worked the conference the whole weekend. Couldn’t have done it without you!

Get to know our Volunteer of the Month:

How long have you been an ICAN member?

I first became a part of ICAN in 2007 when I hoped to have a VBA2C. I joined and became a Chapter Leader in 2014 when the current leader needed someone to take over the chapter. A few months before I took over our chapter, I had a 3VBA3C, so I felt like I understood both the struggles of finding a supportive care provider and the triumph that comes having a VBAC.

How did you first find ICAN?

I first found ICAN by searching online for VBAC information. I had a j-incision with my first cesarean and was told that I could never VBAC. It wasn’t until I was faced with the prospect of a third cesarean, and the desire to have a large family, that I began to question at what point the next cesarean would be riskier than a VBAC with a special scar. I found the YAHOO! group and attended meetings. The leader gave me a shoulder to cry on and the support that I craved.

What motivates you as a volunteer?

My desire to help others is what motivates me. I understand how important it is to have people in your life who believe in you and will be an encouragement, especially when feels that very few are truly giving you support.

Do you have a profession or any other passions outside of ICAN?

My hardest and favorite job is being a wife to my husband (19 years!) and homeschooling mother to 7 amazing children . I love being a birth and bereavement doula and find that it is a great outlet for me to serve birthing women. I am also a board member of the South Carolina Home Educators Association, member of Greenville for Life, and advocate within SC to help improve birth options for mothers.

What was your proudest moment as an ICAN volunteer? What about your hardest?

Wow, that is a hard one. I guess I always feel the proudest when I get a message from a mom who has had a great birth (whether VBAC or CBAC) thanking me for giving her support because it helped her to be in control of her birth experience and she has been able to begin healing from a prior traumatic birth. I think my hardest moment is having a desire to do MORE, but having limited resources (people and funds). I am a solo Leader, so it can feel a bit overwhelming at times, but I push on because I know there is always one more momma who needs support and encouragement.

We appreciate you so much, Dana! Thank you for all that you do to support birthing women!

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