Introducing Casey Shell, our newest chapter leader!

Home » ICAN » Introducing Casey Shell, our newest chapter leader!
ICAN is excited to announce Casey Shell as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be co-leading ICAN of Huntsville!
Tell us about the birth climate in your area.
We serve families North Alabama. Change is slowly starting to happen here. I wish that women would be given the opportunity to VBAC without fear.
Welcome to ICAN, Casey!
Welcome to ICAN, Casey!

How did you find out about ICAN?

My doula first mentioned ICAN in the immediate days following my cesarean. I avoided meetings for a while, but was so overwhelmed with my birth experience that I finally decided to go. The first meeting I attended was open forum. It was wonderful to be able to share with other women who didn’t have the “healthy baby, healthy mommy” perspective. I was able to grieve the loss of the birth I desired. I wish more people knew how supportive and caring these women are.
What part of being an ICAN Chapter Leader are you most excited about?
Education!! I want to see change in our community and I firmly believe that starts with educating women before their first birth.
What are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?
All women have a right to informed consent. It’s unacceptable to me that women are given one option by their OBs and not told about the risks that are involved with each choice.
How would someone describe you?
I’m passionate about what I believe in and will go to bat for others without a second though. Apparently I’m also funny, but I don’t think of myself that way.
Please share a little about yourself!
I have 2 daughters. My oldest was a medicated vaginal birth in 2012. When I found out I was pregnant with my second, my husband and I agreed that we should hire a doula and try for a natural birth. At 40+1 weeks my OB discovered that my daughter was breech. After a failed version attempt, I had a cesarean. Unfortunately my cesarean left me with a seroma and I got an infection and spent a week in the hospital on IV antibiotics.
I’ve been married to the love of my life, Hunter, for 9 years. I have master’s degree and am a speech language pathologist turned part time homemaker. I decided to stay home as much as possible and started a private practice after my oldest daughter was born in 2012. I love to sew and read.
When is your chapter’s next meeting time, date, location, and topic?
Our next meeting is August 4 at 6:30 pm. My physical therapist will be coming to speak to the group about 1. the normal impact of pregnancy on a woman’s musculoskeletal system, 2. the effects cesarean will additionally have, 3. other complications that can develop over time.
Welcome, Casey! We can’t wait to see how you impact your community!

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