Announcing Emmy Kissinger, our newest leader in Iowa!

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ICAN is excited to announce Emmy Kissinger as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Northeast Iowa!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.

I went into labor 11 days past my guess date. My labor was long so eventually my midwife suggested breaking my water. Thus the cascade of interventions began, ending with an emergency cesarean. I was not awake. My husband breastfed our child before I did. My healing journey has been one filled with wonderful women, love, and support. I am grateful.
I went into labor 11 days past my guess date. My labor was long so eventually my midwife suggested breaking my water. Thus the cascade of interventions began, ending with an emergency cesarean. I was not awake. My healing journey has been one filled with wonderful women, love, and support.
Northeast Iowa is in ICAN’s Midlakes region. The best thing about our area is having multiple midwives who truly embody holistic well-woman care. In my fantasy, every woman has the realistic option to have a home birth if she wants to.
How did you find out about ICAN?
I learned about ICAN on Facebook and through my Bradley Method Class prior to my cesarean. We did not have a local chapter so I found other ways of accessing support after my birth. Later an opportunity to become a leader opened up and I jumped! I love advocacy work, education, and nurturing women. Therefore, ICAN was a natural fit.
What excites you about ICAN?
I am most excited about having the opportunity to gather in a safe space with women in our community. I wish that other people knew about ICAN prior to their first birth. I wish that first time moms had an understanding of their risk of having a cesarean and how a cesarean can impact your daily life after the birth of your baby.
Welcome to ICAN, Emmy!
Welcome to ICAN, Emmy!

What are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?

First, I believe that the number of cesareans can be reduced and should be. Second, I think it would be amazing to build awareness around respecting a woman’s right to have feelings about her birth so that she does not face stigma when telling her friends, co-workers, or when seeking support from an outside organization or agency.
Please share a little about yourself!
I’m a spirited feminist with a love for educating others. I have one son (Fox), one husband (Zach), one dog, and two cats. I am a school psychologist by training and enjoy my work with students and teachers. Since college I have spent my free time learning about birth, breastfeeding, and feminist issues. After having my own baby I began to learn more about attachment parenting, research based parenting philosophies, and gentle parenting. I also enjoy running my Etsy shop, blogging, painting, gardening, and embracing my spirituality.
Next meeting?
September 6th, 2016. We are hoping to have a guest speaker.
Welcome, Emmy! We can’t wait to see how you impact your community!

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