October 2016

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Day 31 – Diagnosis, Treatment, and a Cautionary Story

“At the very least, [placenta accreta/percreta] often results in severe hemorrhage, hysterectomy, loss of fertility, uterine rupture, and significant damage to the urological system or abdomen of the mother, not to mention prematurity in the baby. This is why it is important to avoid the first cesarean whenever possible, to not automatically schedule repeat cesareans in most […]

ICAN Announces Changes to Board of Directors

October 2016 It is with great excitement that the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) announces Lakeisha M. Dennis as ICAN’s new President, effective October 1. Lakeisha served the Board of Directors as Chapter Director and Member at Large and previously as the NorthEast Regional Coordinator. She was also the founder and chapter leader for ICAN […]

Day 30 – Surgery Saves Mom and Baby After Severe Hemorrhaging

“Blood was crucial in determining my surgical outcome. After five units of blood, my surgery was successful. In addition to saving my life, a beautiful five-pound baby was brought into the world. Today, Cooper, 4, is a thriving preschooler who is able to have his mom in his life. I now share my story in […]

Day 29 – Virtual Blood Drive (con’t)

October is nearly over, but the need for blood donations isn’t. Even if you weren’t able to donate this month, we implore you to find time throughout the year to make a difference to those at risk from accreta and other birth-related blood loss. This one small act of kindness can potentially save three lives! The […]

Day 28 – Accreta Awareness and Education Group

One of the ways ICAN honors every woman and family that has experienced a form of placenta accreta is by holding space for them in ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Facebook group. Considered as sacred as an ICAN meeting, this group is a safe place of confidentiality for those facing a diagnosis of accreta, percreta, increta, and previa and the wide range […]

Day 27 – Placenta Gives Life, But Can Also Kill as C-Section Rate Climbs

“Normally, the Nitabach layer prevents the placenta from invading the uterine wall. But a Caesarian, or any kind of surgery, including an abortion or a D&C (dilation and curettage), can destroy that layer allowing the placenta to invade the body cavity.” “The numbers are shocking,” Karkowsky told ABCNews.com. “It’s something women should know about.” . […]

Day 26 – Accreta Pics

A Look at an Accreta OR: All hands on deck for both baby and mother during an accreta delivery… . Follow ICAN on facebook, pinterest, and instagram. Like and share our accreta pics! . #ICANsavelives Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month. .

Day 25 – Connecting with Social Media (Part 2)

Have you checked out ICAN’s Pinterest? We’re dedicated to meeting women where they’re at to support, educate, and advocate for families as they explore their birthing options. Please follow our social media accounts this month as we dig deeper into placenta accreta and in the future as we explore different topics on cesarean prevention, cesarean recovery, […]

Announcing Julie Iovaldi a New Chapter Leader, St. Louis

  ICAN is excited to announce Julie Iovaldi as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of St. Louis, Missouri! What’s your chapter’s name? ICAN of St. Louis   How did you find out about ICAN? What drew you to our organization? I found ICAN through facebook when preparing […]

Day 24 – Risks to Mother and Baby

“While the risks of placenta accreta are considerable and women need to be informed about them, they must be kept in perspective. Many women with placenta accreta do reasonably well, as do their babies. If you have accreta, don’t read the list of possible risks below and panic. Remember that these are only possibilities. They have to be […]

Day 22 – Accreta Education Quotes

“A number of patients have post-traumatic stress disorder after pregnancy because the delivery (with accreta) is so stressful.” ~ The Rise of Placenta Accreta, Stanford Medicine Special Report . Follow ICAN on facebook, pinterest, and instagram. Like and share our accreta education quotes! . #ICANsavelives Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month. .