October Volunteer of the Month ~ Rebecca Dansereau

Home » ICAN » October Volunteer of the Month ~ Rebecca Dansereau
Nominated by Melissa Mathewson:
“Rebecca has been a vital part of our leadership team for more than three years now. She has done all of the legwork with opening our bank account and completing our financial reports. Having a trustworthy person in this position was key for me when taking over the chapter as leader, and I truly value her dedication. Since her position is one that most don’t see, I wanted to recognize her efforts and how well she does such an important job for our chapter.”


Rebecca Dansereau


Chapter Affiliation 
ICAN of Jackson, MS


How long have you been an ICAN member?


How did you first find ICAN?
I mentioned my desire for a VBAC in a La Leche League of Metro Jackson forum. The rest is history!


What motivates you as a volunteer?
Mothers need support in so many ways! This is just a small way I can use my meager talents to give back to those who helped me in my time of need. I want to enable our chapter to help others mothers in need of support, and to make a difference in our local birth community.


Do you have a profession or any other passions outside of ICAN?
When not working as a tax accountant, I enjoy spending time with my family near and far. I am also an active member in my church and enjoy serving in the choir (when not juggling kiddos).


What was your proudest moment as an ICAN volunteer? What about your hardest?
The proudest moments are when we hear from local doctors themselves that changes are being made because more women are demanding evidenced based care! The hardest has been, as I’m sure it is to many, finding a work/life balance and not forgetting how important volunteering is.

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