Announcing New Chapter Leader Ann Polan of ICAN St, Louis

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ICAN is excited to announce Ann Polan as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of St. Louis



What’s your chapter’s name?
ICAN of St. Louis


How did you find out about ICAN? What drew you to our organization?
I found out about ICAN by Googling “cesarean support St. Louis” after I had my c-section in 2012. I saw that meetings were held very close to my house and I began attending. I was looking for support and answers to what I could do to work towards a VBAC.


What part of being an ICAN Chapter Leader are you most excited about and why?
I am most excited about helping and supporting other moms recover from a cesarean and plan for what they want in their future. Every new mom has a lot on her plate, but cesarean moms also have to deal with the physical and emotional recovery associated with their deliveries.


What do you wish other people knew about ICAN?
I wish other people knew what a wealth of information ICAN leaders and chapters provide. I wish I would have found out about ICAN sooner after I had my cesarean.


What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?
I want moms to know that they have options for their births. If they do not feel supported in their current situation, I want to help to provide them with the information and courage to find what they need.


How would someone describe you?
I am a good listener, patient, caring, compassionate, and supportive.


Please share a little about yourself .
I am a part-time school counselor at a JK-8 school with a Masters in School Counseling. I am married and have two children, Emma (c-section in 2012) and Oliver (VBAC in 2015). I love to make crafts, paint furniture, and go antiquing.


If you would like to share personal birth “statistics,” feel free to list that information here.
My daughter Emma was born via unplanned cesarean in 2012 due to her frank breech position. My son Oliver was born via unmedicated VBAC in 2015.



Where is your chapter (region)? What areas does your chapter serve?
St. Louis. We serve the St. Louis and the metro Illinois areas.


If you could change one thing about the birth climate in your area, what would it be?
I would like for more information to be provided for pregnant women about cesareans (risks, etc) and for more information to be provided to moms after a cesarean about her options.


What is the best thing about the birth climate in your area?
In St. Louis we have several providers at most of the major hospitals that support VBACs. We also have new birth centers that are beginning to accept VBAC moms.


Your next meeting time, date, location, and topic? 

Thursday, October 27th
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
12345 Manchester Road, Des Peres MO 63131

Tuesday, November 15th
3100 Sutton Blvd, Maplewood MO 63143


Any other details you’d like us to share, just let us know!
We are planning to have a midwife from one of the new birth centers join us at our October meeting!

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