Day 17 – A Life-Threatening Complication of Prior Cesarean

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Konijeti 2009, Rev Urol

The most consistent symptom of a possible accreta is vaginal bleeding in the second trimester and beyond.

Painless bleeding is often characteristic of placenta previa, but some sources report that painful bleeding or a persistent aching may be more characteristic of previa-accretas.

However, a lack of bleeding or lack of pain does not guarantee an absence of accreta. Sometimes there is no warning that an accreta is present until the woman gives birth, the placenta doesn’t come, and the woman starts hemorrhaging. This is why many care providers want a routine ultrasound to check placental placement in women with a prior cesarean…

Although there are a number of risk factors for accreta, a prior cesarean is the most important. The risk is highest in women with multiple repeat cesareans, but accreta (and even percreta) sometimes occurs even after only one cesarean.

This is why it’s so important that non-indicated cesareans be avoided whenever possible.”

. . . Read the whole article over at



Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month.


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