Day 24 – Risks to Mother and Baby

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Any woman who experienced a significant bleed during birth and difficulty breastfeeding postpartum should be tested for Sheehan's Syndrome as soon as possible, especially if her period did not restart in a timely manner despite not being able to breastfeed.
Any woman who experienced a significant bleed during birth and difficulty breastfeeding postpartum should be tested for Sheehan’s Syndrome as soon as possible, especially if her period did not restart in a timely manner despite not being able to breastfeed.

“While the risks of placenta accreta are considerable and women need to be informed about them, they must be kept in perspective. Many women with placenta accreta do reasonably well, as do their babies. If you have accreta, don’t read the list of possible risks below and panic. Remember that these are only possibilities. They have to be taken seriously, but they are not predestined outcomes. A lot depends on how serious your accreta is and how well it is managed.


. . . Read the whole article over at



Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month.


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