Day 7 – Placenta Previa and Prior Cesarean

Home » Education » Day 7 – Placenta Previa and Prior Cesarean
Placenta previa is an independent risk factor for placenta accreta, so we cannot talk about accreta without discussing previa and how multiple cesareans increase a woman’s risk of developing this complication.

All women with significant placenta previa should be evaluated for the possibility of Placenta Accreta …

Women with a history of cesareans, D&Cs, or in-vitro fertilization should be particularly evaluated for these conditions… Prenatal testing always comes with pros and cons, but remember, some previas and accretas are not symptomatic before birth, and outcomes are improved if these conditions are discovered before birth.  Therefore, the more cesareans you have had, the more you might want to consider an ultrasound for placental placement.

. . . Read the whole article over at



Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month.

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