October 2016

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Day 21 – A Breakdown of Risk: Comparing VBAC & Repeat Cesarean

When women with a prior cesarean are discussing the possibility of VBAC with their provider, uterine rupture takes center stage. Uterine rupture is a real but rare complication that is increased when women attempt a vaginal birth after a cesarean. When discussing the possibility of repeat cesarean, placenta previa and accreta are far less likely […]

Day 20 – One Pregnancy Risk Every C-section Mom Should Know About

“And so, there is power in knowledge.  If you know about these risks ahead of time, you can make more informed decisions regarding your family, and the number of kids you can physically carry.  But also, you can know the importance prenatal of care.  The importance in finding doctors that you are comfortable and confident […]

Day 19 – Connecting on Social Media

Have you checked out ICAN’s Instagram? We’re dedicated to meeting women where they’re at to support, educate, and advocate for families as they explore their birthing options. Please follow our social media accounts this month as we dig deeper into placenta accreta and in the future as we explore different topics on cesarean prevention, cesarean recovery, […]

Day 18 – Virtual Blood Drive

Blood donation can be the difference between life and death for women with accreta, so select ICAN chapters are holding blood drives this month to help bring awareness to accreta and other birth-related blood loss. For those that do not have a local chapter blood drive but still want to donate, a virtual blood drive is available. You can make […]

Announcing New Chapter Leader Ann Polan of ICAN St, Louis

ICAN is excited to announce Ann Polan as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of St. Louis   What’s your chapter’s name? ICAN of St. Louis   How did you find out about ICAN? What drew you to our organization? I found out about ICAN by Googling “cesarean […]

Day 17 – A Life-Threatening Complication of Prior Cesarean

“The most consistent symptom of a possible accreta is vaginal bleeding in the second trimester and beyond. Painless bleeding is often characteristic of placenta previa, but some sources report that painful bleeding or a persistent aching may be more characteristic of previa-accretas. However, a lack of bleeding or lack of pain does not guarantee an absence of […]

Day 16 – Merk’s Birth Story

In late October of 2015, I got an unexpected positive pregnancy test (very unexpected), but less than a week later I started to bleed a lot and was lead to believe I miscarried. I came to terms with that and things were going okay. Several weeks passed and I found myself at the local ER with severe […]

Day 15 – Loss Remembrance Day: Lauren’s Birth Story

Today we honor and remember those we have lost to accreta. The possibility of the loss of both mom and baby is a real risk when dealing with accreta. We thank the families that have opened their hearts and shared stories of their loved one with us. Opening your heart and sharing your loss is not an easy thing […]

Day 14 – Accreta Mom Quotes

 “C-sections should only occur if medically necessary, and doctors should support VBAC when possible. I was never even told this could be a risk after a c-section.” ~ Alisha (accreta mom) . Follow ICAN on facebook, pinterest, and instagram. Like and share our accreta mom quote graphics! . #ICANsavelives Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month.

October Volunteer of the Month ~ Rebecca Dansereau

Nominated by Melissa Mathewson: “Rebecca has been a vital part of our leadership team for more than three years now. She has done all of the legwork with opening our bank account and completing our financial reports. Having a trustworthy person in this position was key for me when taking over the chapter as leader, […]

Day 13 – Too Deeply Attached

“…Months earlier, when they decided to have a third child, Adam and Seeff never considered that Kiran and Misha might be left without a mother. “We had plenty of love and resources to give,” Adam says. “You just don’t think that you’re playing roulette with the stability of the older children’s lives.” Adam’s situation, unusual […]

Day 12 – A Look at an Accreta Operating Room

With a 7% mortality rate, the risk of severe hemorrhage, and often a premature baby, it’s no surprise that the amount of staff to assist the surgery would increase. However, with barely room to move, the number of staff assisting demonstrates the severity of having accreta. . Follow ICAN on facebook, pinterest, and instagram. Like and share our […]