October 2016

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Day 11 – Stephanie’s Birth Story

I went in for a routine mid-pregnancy scan at 20 weeks and was sent home after being told everything looked good. The next morning I got a phone call from my OB telling me that it looked like I had complete placenta previa and possibly vasa previa. I was told not to google (I did) […]

Announcing Sarah Fogle a New Chapter Leader, Harrisburg, IL

ICAN is excited to announce Sarah Fogle as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Southeastern Illinois! Tell us about your community! Harrisburg is in Southeastern Illinois. We have some amazing CNMs that work in our local hospitals; they work very hard to give the women the best evidence-based […]

Day 10 – What Is Accreta?

“Placenta accreta is an extremely serious complication that is becoming all too common.  A casual attitude towards cesareans, an over-utilization of them in low-risk mothers, and a lack of access to Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) is part of the cause. This is yet another reason why reducing the cesarean rate and keeping access to […]

Day 9 – Alexis’ Birth Story

I’m a survivor of multiple pregnancy complications: placenta increta, incompetent cervix, and postpartum hemorrhage – all during my first viable pregnancy. I had several risk factors for accreta including several D&Cs and hysteroscopies. I was on home bedrest for two months due to incompetent cervix. Then during a routine sonogram at 36 weeks gestation, my […]

Day 8 – Accreta Awareness Shirt

The limited edition Accreta Awareness t-shirt sale is underway! Here’s an easy way to start conversations in your community about accreta and the risks of cesareans! Proceeds from the sale of the shirt will go to future accreta awareness efforts. Buy a shirt; promote the cause! . #ICANsavelives Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month. Save Save

Day 7 – Placenta Previa and Prior Cesarean

Placenta previa is an independent risk factor for placenta accreta, so we cannot talk about accreta without discussing previa and how multiple cesareans increase a woman’s risk of developing this complication. All women with significant placenta previa should be evaluated for the possibility of Placenta Accreta … Women with a history of cesareans, D&Cs, or in-vitro fertilization should be particularly evaluated […]

Day 5 – The Aftermath of Accreta

Normal blood loss in a vaginal birth: 500 ml Normal blood loss in a cesarean: 1000 ml Blood loss in an accreta cesarean: 7500 ml Pledge to donate blood in ICAN’s virtual blood drive today. . #ICANsavelives Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month.

Day 4 – ACOG Quote

“The incidence of placenta accreta has increased and seems to parallel the increasing cesarean delivery rate.” ~ ACOG . ACOG – Committee Opinion – Placenta Accreta, July 2012 and Reaffirmed 2015 Follow ICAN on facebook, pinterest, and instagram. Like and share our accreta awareness graphics! . #ICANsavelives Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month.

Day 3 – Sleeves Up! Mother’s Experience Creates an Activist

My accreta baby is three years old. I am alive today to celebrate my baby’s third birthday because of blood donors. Even though I had very well trained and gifted surgeons, there came a point in my surgery when no matter what my surgeons did I would not have survived without blood transfusions. The human body only holds about […]

Day 2 – Katie’s Birth Story

I had my first son in October 2009. He was 10 days late and after being induced for over 24 hours and having failure to progress during labor the doctor said that we could do the cesarean now or we could continue the induction the next day. I was tired and realized another day of induction would […]

Day 1 – Welcome to Accreta Awareness Month

During the month of October, ICAN will be focused on bringing awareness to the condition of placenta accreta, when the placenta attaches too deeply into the uterine wall. This condition carries a 7% mortality risk to the mom due to massive blood loss. Moms are normally made very aware of the risk of uterine rupture when […]