Announcing New Chapter Leader Ashley Wheeler of Jacksonville

Home » ICAN » Announcing New Chapter Leader Ashley Wheeler of Jacksonville

ICAN is excited to announce Ashley Wheeler as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Jacksonville (NC).

“Cesareans have a place however it can be avoided in most cases. VBAC is an option for low risks moms.”

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.
ICAN of Jacksonville serves Onslow County in North Carolina. The best thing about our area is that most people are open minded and are looking for more options, but I wish there were more VBAC options for moms who have had more than one cesarean.

Why get involved with ICAN? 
I have been a co-leader with the local chapter for a few years. I was drawn to the organization by my own ICAN story and VBAC stories. I want to help others! I’m most excited about supporting moms, advocacy, education – and, of course, the meetings! I wish more people knew we support HBC and CBAC moms.

Please share a little about yourself 
I am a doula, midwife student, and mom of 5. My friends would describe me as outgoing and ambitious. I’m a people person and a hard worker. I like movies, and to have fun!

Welcome, Ashley! We can’t wait to see how you impact your community!

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