Stephanni Prelac of Atlanta is ICAN’s newest leader!

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ICAN is excited to announce Stephanni Prelac as our newest chapter leader. She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Atlanta!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.
We’re in Georgia, serving the greater Atlanta area. We have many many practices that are coming on board or are HIGHLY on board with the idea of VBAC. Some midwife owned practices as well as doctors who are skilled at VBAC delivery, including water birth. However, our fanciest, most prestigious hospital has a C-section rate of above 30%. I wish more doctors in our area would use the C-section more sparingly and consider maternal mental health as much as the health of the baby inside her. I also wish that our birth center allowed VBAC, that is against state regulations. Also, all of our area hospitals now have a VBA3C ban, which was enacted in July.
Why get involved in ICAN? 
Eva was born at 38w 0d in March 2012 after 16 hours of labor. She was a natural vaginal delivery. Piper was born October 2014. She was a C-section at 37w 0d due to complete placenta previa.

A friend was already part of the organization and brought me to a meeting to get some questions answered. She knew I was struggling with recovering from my surgery and needed help. I’m excited to provide support for other women who are in the same place emotionally that I was in a year ago, being able to show women there are healing and hope after a C-section. I wish other people knew that ICAN really does have the best interest of women and babies at heart. We are not out to provide bad information just in the name of VBAC. We want true, evidence-based support for women and education for everyone.

What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?
That some C-sections are necessary, they are not inherently evil, but like any tool they can be abused and used incorrectly by people. I want women to know that their birth is their choice, as long as the safety of themselves and the baby is at the forefront of their decision. No woman should be denied a VBAC due to lack of providers. We need to get more doctors and nurses on board as much as we need to educate mothers.
Please share a little about yourself! 
I am currently a teacher at a local high school in Atlanta. I teach Chemistry, Physics and Forensic Science to juniors and seniors. I have a B.S. in Chemistry and an M. Ed. in Science Education. I have been teaching for almost 8 years and I still enjoy it a lot. I would like to one day switch over to birth education and become a doula for VBAC women in Atlanta. I have 2 daughters; Eva age 4 1/2 and Piper age 2. We will hopefully be adding a third next year, and that will hopefully be my VBAC delivery. I grew up in the Atlanta area and still live within 20 minutes of my parents. I plan to stay here in Georgia and raise all of my children here. My friends would describe me as outgoing, happy, blunt, sarcastic, empathetic, dedicated, and intense!
Next meeting?
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at Java Vino in Midtown. The next one will be Jan 4th!
Welcome, Stephanni! We can’t wait to see the impact you and your chapter have in your community!

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