Announcing New Chapter Leader Anna Barga of Southwestern PA

Home » ICAN » Announcing New Chapter Leader Anna Barga of Southwestern PA

ICAN is excited to announce Anna Barga as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Southwestern, PA!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area. 

Our chapter serves all of southwestern PA and our meetings are held in Pittsburgh. We have a stand alone birth center and annabarga-158multiple hospitals in the area, so women often feel they have many choices about where to birth. I feel the birth climate here has started to come around to VBAC but we still have a long way to go in improving the climate for VBAMC.

How did you find out about ICAN? 
I was planning to have my son at a stand alone birth center in Pittsburgh, PA. I ended up having an unplanned cesarean at the hospital.  My midwife followed me to the hospital and after the surgery, she told me it was OK I felt so angry, sad, and confused and she gave me the information for my local ICAN chapter. It took another few months until I went to my first meeting. The women there welcomed me with open arms and have helped me in so many ways to process the experience of my first birth and helped me advocate for my hospital VBAC with my second son.

What excites you about ICAN?
I am so excited to work with the next generation of women and their families to help them see the power they already possess when processing their birth experiences and helping them advocate if more children are in their future. I wish people knew how influential ICAN has been and still is in the fight for reproductive rights. ICAN’s institutional history is so inspiring.

What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?
I feel there is still much work to be done in building the bridge that empowers women to view birth as less of a binary system of right or wrong. I envision a system of mothers, health care providers, birth workers, and community members that support all women through education and comprehensive reproductive rights.

Please share a little about yourself.
I am currently a stay at home mom with two little boys. I love walking in the park with my partner and kids and enjoy the company of great friends. My friends would describe me as understanding, quiet and passionate.

Your first/next meeting time, date, location, and topic?
I will be leading my first meeting on January 17, 2017, at 6:30 pm at the Pittsburgh Toy Lending Library ( Children are welcome to attend meetings. We will hold meetings here every 3rd Tuesday of the month.

Welcome, Anna! We can’t wait to see how you impact your community!

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