Introducing Maggie Pulley, new leader for ICAN of Los Angeles!

Home » ICAN » Introducing Maggie Pulley, new leader for ICAN of Los Angeles!

ICAN is excited to announce Maggie Pulley as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Los Angeles!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.
I had a primary c section with my first baby, a VBAC attempt that turned into a CBAC after 2 hours of pushing, and a very healing and empowering VBA2C in a birth center.
The best thing about this area is all the support services and providers- e.g. doulas, chiropractors, etc that support pregnancy and birth. I do wish we had more birth options- in-hospital birth centers, out of hospital birth centers.
Why get involved in ICAN?
I found out about ICAN when looking for resources and support for my VBAC. I’m excited to help other women the way ICAN has helped me! I wish people knew what a passionate and knowledgeable group of women make up ICAN. I believe that not enough women have enough info about cesarean and VBAC issues which is what is leading to the high C-section rates.
Please share a little about yourself.
I have lived in Los Angeles most of my life. I have been married for almost 10 years and have 3 wonderful children. I have a BA and MA from Stanford University and I am an educator working in an independent study charter school. I have been involved in volunteering with causes close to my heart for many years. I enjoy spending time with my family, baking, and yoga. My friends would describe me as friendly, passionate, strong, and determined – someone who is always up to fight the good fight!
Next meeting?
Our next meeting will be Jan. 8! The main meeting for ICAN of Los Angeles takes place on the 1st Sunday of every month from 3:30 to 5 pm.  RSVP for meetings on our Facebook page or just show up!

Welcome, Maggie! We can’t wait to see how you impact your community!

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