Introducing Stacey Davis, ICAN’s newest chapter leader from Southern Utah!

Home » ICAN » Introducing Stacey Davis, ICAN’s newest chapter leader from Southern Utah!

ICAN is excited to announce Stacey Davis as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Southern Utah!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.
“I believe our cesarean rate is too high however with the right information and the right support we can lower the cesarean rate.” ~ Stacey Davis, ICAN of Southern Utah

We serve Southern Utah, that includes Cedar City, Utah, and St George, Utah. The best thing about our area is that it is changing, through persistence and advocacy. I do wish there were more VBACs and less RC, more advocacy and information available about birth options for families.

Why get involved with ICAN?
As a doula, I have had clients urge me to start an ICAN chapter. I am excited to be involved with advocacy and educating people on a better birth. I wish other people knew that ICAN is not about saying no to a cesarean section. It is about being empowered in your birth choices and having the ability to make birth choices that are best for you and your family through evidence-based information, even if that means a cesarean section.
Please share a little about yourself! 
I have been a doula since 2009 and am honored to serve families as they add new members to their homes. I believe every mom deserves doula support and am happy to offer low-income moms scholarships. I have a Bachelors degree in Behavioral Science with an Emphasis in Family Services. I currently write for the Iron County Today on issues that affect birth. I feel that peace in the world starts with peace in the family. Peace in the family begins with peace in birth. What a difference we can make if all babies had the opportunity to be born gently and peacefully. I love camping, four wheeling and traveling the 4 loves of my life – my partner and 3 amazing boys. They inspire me to do what I do and strive to make a difference for all families and the birth experiences.
Next meeting? 
Thursday, January 19th at 10:00 AM Cedar City Library
Welcome, Stacey! We can’t wait to see how you impact your community!

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