Rebekah Wishart of Northern Colorado is ICAN’s newest leader!

Home » ICAN » Rebekah Wishart of Northern Colorado is ICAN’s newest leader!

ICAN is excited to announce Rebekah Wishart as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Loveland!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.
rebekah-wishart-hsWe serve Loveland, Fort Collins, Greeley, and all the smaller surrounding towns in beautiful Northern Colorado! There is a lot of support for expecting parents here! I love that those in the birth community are growing together and learning to listen to one another – this is key to improving the birth culture. I wish there would be more care providers that truly support VBAC not just in words, but in action.
Why get involved in ICAN?
I was looking into local resources for women searching for VBAC support I kept seeing ICAN pop up. The professional manner in which the information and education surrounding the topic of VBAC really impressed me and I had heard of many women who felt that our local community could benefit from a chapter… so here I am!
I am really looking forward to giving women a safe place to share their stories. Also, educating women about their options! I wish other people knew that ICAN is not anti-cesarean, we are PRO-education and empowerment and believe women deserve support no matter their birth decisions and outcomes. Women have options and there needs to be more education available about those options!
rebekah-wishart-birthPlease share a little about yourself! 
I moved to Colorado in 2008 and that autumn I gave birth to a son, via cesarean, whom I placed for adoption. After marrying my husband, Benjamin, I decided to change careers and pursue doula training. I fell in love with all things pregnancy and birth related! I enjoy reading, working out, adventuring in the Rocky Mountains, traveling, and drinking coffee. My friends would describe me as warm, passionate, and nurturing.
Welcome, Rebekah! We can’t wait to see the impact you have on your community!

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