Kelly Wilson of Antelope Valley is ICAN’s newest leader!

Home » ICAN » Kelly Wilson of Antelope Valley is ICAN’s newest leader!

ICAN is excited to announce Kelly Wilson as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Antelope Valley!


Tell us about the birth climate in your area.

My first baby was breech and born via scheduled cesarean in 2011. My second baby was my first VBAC in 2014 followed by another VBAC in 2015.
Antelope Valley is in California (Edwards AFB, Mojave, Rosamond, Lancaster, Palmdale). The best thing about the area is the great childbirth educators. I wish access to VBAC care was easier. Most moms have to leave the local area to have VBACs.
Why get involved in ICAN?
I learned about ICAN while researching my birth options during my second pregnancy. I was planning a VBAC and looking for resources and ICAN’s website was very valuable. I’m excited to have the opportunity to help women feel empowered to make educated decisions regarding their birth. I want the women in my community to know you don’t have to settle if you are unhappy with your provider – you have the power to make the choice that is best for you and your baby. I wish more people knew that ICAN does more than promote VBACs! ICAN supports women recovering from cesareans – including HBC & CBAC moms. ICAN can also be a valuable resource for first-time moms – helping them take steps to avoid unnecessary cesareans.
What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?
All women deserve to be fully informed and have the right to make decisions regarding their birth that is best for their family. Information is so powerful. VBACs and TOLAC are safe and reasonable options for MOST women.
Please share a little about yourself!
I grew up and went to college in Virginia. I’m a military spouse currently living in California and a mother to three beautiful little girls, 5, 2, and 10 months. I have a masters degree in teaching and taught special education before deciding to stay home with my children. My favorite job was working with young adults with disabilities transitioning out of the school system. I enjoy running, reading a good book, and travel. I think someone would describe me as someone who is eager to get involved, quick to lend a helping hand, sincere, and candid but with a sarcastic sense of humor!
Welcome, Kelly! We’re excited to see the impact you have on your community!

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