Welcome Sarah Young to ICAN of Omaha!

Home » ICAN » Welcome Sarah Young to ICAN of Omaha!

ICAN is excited to announce Sarah Young as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Omaha!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area. 

"Access to VBAC needs to be increased to help improve material and fetal outcomes, and women need to be informed about the risks of a repeat c-section." ~ Sarah Young, ICAN of Omaha
“Access to VBAC needs to be increased to help improve maternal and fetal outcomes, and women need to be informed about the risks of a repeat c-section.” ~ Sarah Young, ICAN of Omaha

We serve the Omaha metro area/Western Iowa. We have VBAC supportive providers at several of our major hospitals, but I’d love to increase awareness of VBAC and its benefits for mothers and babies.

Why get involved with ICAN?

ICAN works hard to improve birth outcomes for mothers and babies through education, advocacy, and support. I found ICAN originally through my former doula; I felt I was uninformed regarding my first c-section. I had my first via c-section due to double footling breech presentation. My second was a VBAC.  I’m excited about helping other moms with support and education. I believe women are more powerful than we know and the current system is not always set up for women to feel in control of their birth.

Please share a little about yourself!

I am passionate about things I believe in and lend support to my causes with my whole heart. I am hard-working and loyal. I attended college in Omaha where I majored in Accounting. I have been married to my husband since 2009 and we have been blessed with 2 children with a third on the way. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, being outside and reading. I enjoy constantly learning more about the birth community and the support it can offer to women.
Congrats, Sarah!

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