Sarina Williamson is our newest chapter leader with ICAN of Greater Mankato!

Home » ICAN » Sarina Williamson is our newest chapter leader with ICAN of Greater Mankato!

ICAN is excited to announce Sarina Williamson as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Greater Mankato!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.

"Mother's have a right to say no or wait. Hearing "but you have a healthy baby" doesn't make the cesarean okay." ~ Sarina Williamson, ICAN of Greater Mankato
“Mothers have a right to say no or wait. Hearing ‘but you have a healthy baby’ doesn’t make the cesarean okay.” ~ Sarina Williamson, ICAN of Greater Mankato

We serve the Greater Mankato area of Minnesota, reaching out to Lake Crystal, Nicollet, St. Peter, Le Sueur, Henderson, Cleveland, Le Center, Madison Lake, Waseca, Janesville, Pemberton, Mapleton, to name a few. In 2015 the cesarean rate was 26%. We are seeing a shift in facilities changing guidelines, and doctors seeing the benefits to letting patients attempt a VBAC.  I don’t believe moms are aware of the options they have.

Why get involved with ICAN?

My first born was born via Cesarean and I felt defeated, broken and needed help. A friend told me about ICAN and I immediately joined the local group in Seattle where I was living at the time. The support I received and encouraging words were so important to me in that stage of my life and recovery. I am most excited to be able to share knowledge, and information with other families. I feel that being the most informed you can be during pregnancy, whether it’s your first or 5th, is very instrumental. Had I been informed my situation may have been different. Knowledge is Power; it will help make the best sound decision for each individual. ICAN is there for more than just the mom looking for Cesarean support. ICAN is here to assist all mothers and babies in avoiding unnecessary cesareans.

Please share a little about yourself!

I am passionate about what I believe in and tend to jump in with both feet. My husband and I have been married for 15 years with two little boys, a dog, and 12 chickens. In my spare time, I like to cook, bake, garden, research, assist others in the local babywearing group, and work part time. I coordinate and run the local babywearing group and maintain the lending library. I am working to talk with local business to set up donations of carriers to families who can’t afford one. My son born in 2013 was delivered via Cesarean, and 19 months later his little brother followed by a successful VBAC in 2015. My friends would describe me as supportive, strong and an advocate for what I love.

Next meeting?

I am working on a location at this time but hope to hold our first meeting July 19th discussing our local birth climate and what can be done to change it.
Congrats, Sarina!

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