ICAN introduces new chapter leader April Henry of ICAN of Central Florida!

Home » ICAN » ICAN introduces new chapter leader April Henry of ICAN of Central Florida!

ICAN is excited to announce April Henry as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Central Florida!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.

"People deserve to know the true facts and risks involved relative to other options." ~ April Henry, ICAN of Central Florida
“People deserve to know the true facts and risks involved relative to other options.” ~ April Henry, ICAN of Central Florida
ICAN of Central Florida serves Orange, Seminole, Volusia, and Lake counties. It’s a wonderful natural birth community with many wonderful midwives and doulas. We could use more real hospital VBAC options, more breech and twin birth options, and more hospitals offering family-centered cesarean options.
Why get involved with ICAN?
I found out about ICAN through a desperate internet search after I ended up with a somewhat surprise planned cesarean with my first daughter who was transverse/footling breech at 41 weeks (only discovered at 40 weeks). I wanted to know the possibilities of having a vaginal birth after a cesarean because the cesarean was very difficult for me physically but also emotionally mostly due to hospital policies and logistics that made it a more difficult experience.  ICAN is 100% volunteer and is making a big difference in communities all across the country and internationally. I’m passionate about birth and evidence-based medicine and I enjoy supporting women and research.
Please share a little about yourself!
My friends would describe me as honest, loyal, analytical, and deeply caring. My first child was a planned C-section for persistent breech in 2007. My second child was a somewhat long HBAC in 2010, and my third surprise baby was a nice HBAC in 2016. I work part time as an HR professional for a nonprofit Wycliffe Bible Translators. I have bachelor’s degrees in economics and international business and am also certified as a senior HR professional.
Congrats, April!

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