ICAN Board of Directors Announcement

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ican-board-of-directors1International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) is excited to announce Lindsey Seger as its new President. Lindsey has served on the Board of Directors as both Vice President and President in the past and is the current Accreditation Coordinator. She is also the chapter leader for ICAN of Nashville, a certified childbirth educator, and a diagnostic medical sonographer. When she isn’t working, she’s laughing with her sons, curled up on the couch with her husband, or reading a good book.

Justen Alexander has accepted the role of Vice President. Justen has been involved with ICAN since 2013 and has been a Chapter Co-Leader in Huntsville, Alabama for two years. She has had two cesareans and one VBA2C. During her time as an ICAN leader, her main focus has been advocacy work, including obtaining the VBA2C clarification from ACOG, as well as attending and speaking at local hospital board meetings, writing letters to local physicians, publicly speaking out against unethical practices, and working to increase VBAC access for Women of Color. Justen also volunteers with The Good Earth, LLC., where she helps families navigate through the process of Home Funerals and Green burials, and assists in the burial process. She is passionate about communicating with birth professionals and finding ways to work together in order to improve the maternity care system for all birthing women.

Samantha Wall is joining the Board of Directors as Secretary. Samantha also fills the role of Assistant Chapter Director and is a co-leader for ICAN of Omaha. She has a strong passion for helping women achieve informed and empowered birth experiences through education and support. Samantha works with other local community businesses and organizations to promote woman-centered, evidence-based maternity and childbirth care. Samantha found ICAN shortly after the birth of her first daughter by cesarean. The support she found through ICAN was invaluable to her while she planned for her VBAC. Outside of her childbirth advocacy work, Samantha enjoys traveling and photography.

Continuing in their respective roles are Mychel Hefner as Treasurer, Ann Marie Walsh as Chapter Director and Board Member at Large, Brianna Barker as Advocacy Director and Board Member at Large, and Christa Billings as Board Member Emeritus. The ICAN Board of Directors can be reached at board@ican-online.org. For more information about the International Cesarean Awareness Network, please visit www.ican-online.org.

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