Meet the Leadership: Natalie Uy, ICAN of Tucson

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ICAN is excited to announce Natalie Uy as our newest Chapter Leader!


“I really think there’s a big gap between what providers are telling patients and what the current research says. Women deserve better.” ~ Natalie Uy, ICAN of Tucson

Please introduce yourself to ICAN:

I’m a Tucson native. I went to college to become a special education teacher and taught special education for 4 years, then switched to teach middle school math, which I loved. When I had my first son, I began the stay at home mom path and a few years later, I started sewing and opened up my own from-home small business, which I am currently still running.

What led you to join ICAN?

I had heard of ICAN from another mom in my La Leche group, but I just didn’t feel drawn to it at that time. When my local birth center hosted a meeting with the Phoenix leaders and they titled it “Discussing VBAC Options in Tucson,” I felt drawn to going because I think the VBAC options in Tucson are lousy and I wanted to express that.

How do you share ICAN as an organization with others?

I wish that they knew ICAN also supports mothers who are healing from a cesarean, that it’s not just about VBACs. I wish that they knew the component of education and empowerment because any mom, even one who has never birthed before, can benefit from education and empowerment!

Where will you be serving women through ICAN?

The Tucson, Arizona area.

Please share your upcoming Chapter meeting:

Wednesday, August 23, at 6 pm at Himmel Park Library discussing Interventions During Childbirth

Congratulations, Natalie!

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