Meet the Leadership: Alex Miller, ICAN of Southwest Alabama

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ICAN is excited to announce Alex Miller as our newest Chapter Leader!


“We are here, not to judge, but to offer a safe place for you to work through your feelings and offer support.” ~ Alex Miller, ICAN of SW Alabama

Please introduce yourself to ICAN:

I am a mother of two that left the classroom to teach from home and be with my babies. I have both my undergraduate and masters in special education but now tutor several studies as well as teach English online. Running and organizing are my two favorite hobbies as well my most recent hobby of reading books dealing with postpartum psychiatric disorders.

What led you to join ICAN?

 My first birth was an induction due to HELLP Syndrome which ended in a cesarean. My second birth was a failed HBAC that ended in a successful hospital VBAC. I searched for a local chapter after the birth of my daughter. I needed emotional healing and a chance to share my story with someone who understood what I was experiencing.

How do you share ICAN as an organization with others?

Simply because you have had a cesarean does not guarantee that you will have a repeat cesarean. Repeat cesareans carry risks as well even though women are more frequently made aware of only the risks of a VBAC. We are here, not to judge, but to offer a safe place for you to work through your feelings and offer support.

Where will you be serving women through ICAN?

Southwest Alabama serving Baldwin and Mobile County. In my community, more and more women are turning to doulas for support and searching for doctors that practice evidence-based care. I look forward to being able to support other women in a leadership position.

Please share your upcoming Chapter meeting:

Our next meeting is October 20th, 10 am, at Centennial Park in Daphne, AL. Children are welcome.

Congratulations, Alex!

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