Meet the Leadership: Caroline Dietz, ICAN of Houston/Galveston

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ICAN is excited to announce Caroline Dietz as our newest Chapter Leader!


“I really hope that through education and support that I can help just one woman avoid a c-section or at least feel more resolution about the way her baby was brought into this world.” ~ Caroline Dietz, ICAN of Houston/Galveston

Please introduce yourself to ICAN:

I have a Ph.D. in immunology from The Ohio State University and I’m currently a postdoctoral immunology researcher at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. I have a son and daughter who arrived by unintended c-sections who are the light of my life. My husband works for the government in Litigation Support and we have been together since college. He is the reason I was able to make it through graduate school, move across the country, have two beautiful babies and volunteer for ICAN and La Leche League. I am also a Leader for La Leche League of Fort Bend. One of my hobbies is exercise.

What led you to join ICAN?

My son arrived by c-section after a failed induction in January 2015 at 41w6d and my daughter by CBAC at 42w4d after she went into fetal distress in February 2017. I first heard about ICAN through Facebook. I was having a hard time coping with the fact that my first birth had ended in C-section and I was nearly 7 months postpartum. Someone referred me to ICAN and that is where my healing journey began.

How do you share ICAN as an organization with others?

Knowledge is power and being able to apply that knowledge during the birthing process will give you the best outcome possible. We are not VBAC-militants. CBACs and RCSs happen and you are just as deserving of support as any other mother.

Where will you be serving families through ICAN?

We serve Houston and Galveston in Eastern Texas. There are a lot of options here, but there are a lot of restrictions due to insurance and the sheer amount of women desiring VBACs.

Please share your upcoming Chapter meeting:


Congratulations, Caroline!


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