Meet the Leadership: Meghan Schiedel, ICAN of Northern Nevada

Home » ICAN » Meet the Leadership: Meghan Schiedel, ICAN of Northern Nevada

ICAN is excited to announce Meghan Schiedel as our newest Chapter Leader!


“I wish people knew that ICAN exists at all. So many people in our area do not know this resource even exists for them.” ~ Meghan Schiedel, ICAN of  Northern Nevada

Please introduce yourself to ICAN:

I am a passionate, hardworking mom of two girls. Family is very important to me but so is my job with the local science museum. I moved to Nevada to pursue a career in informal science education with my husband. We love where we live now and I am excited to be a part of ICAN in this new role.

What led you to join ICAN?

I found my first c-section to be very traumatic. I was searching for someone who would understand what I had been through and could help me heal. This is when I found ICAN of Northern Nevada. Since then I have done a great deal of birth processing and trauma work and had my second baby via VBAC delivery. I believe in the mission of ICAN and that is why I took over leadership of the local chapter when it was needed.

Where will you be serving families through ICAN?

Northern Nevada which includes Reno and the surrounding areas.

Please share your upcoming Chapter meeting:

December 5, 2017, at 6 pm at Postnatal Pelvic Health.

Congratulations, Meghan!

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