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Do I Need to Avoid Negative Birth Stories When I’m Planning a Positive Birth?

By Birthtalk.org, August 20, 2017 Should we shut down negative or traumatic stories about birth? Or do we risk silencing women whose voice desperately needs to be heard? And are we missing an opportunity to clarify our own needs in preparation for a positive birth in the process? Why negative birth stories are important We […]

Meet the Leadership: Theresa Morris, ICAN of the Brazos Valley

ICAN is excited to announce Theresa Morris as our newest Chapter Leader! “ICAN has information for women to help make informed choices about birth options.” ~ Theresa Morris, ICAN of the Brazos Valley Please introduce yourself to ICAN: I am a mom of two–a surprise breech (cesarean) and a VBAC. I am a sociologist who […]

ICAN as Part of Your Birth Team

This post was originally published in 2015 under the title, “Why you want ICAN on your VBAC team.” It is still as pertinent today for women seeking choices and respect in their future births. Guest post by Mariah Sixkiller. There are some moments in life that feel bigger than you can process while they’re underway. Moments you […]

Traumatic Birth Recovery

“The axe forgets but the tree remembers.” ~ African Proverb   What is a Traumatic Birth? To many, it is a birth that leads to a diagnosable postpartum mood disorder such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Postpartum Depression (PPD), and/or Postpartum Anxiety (PPA). There are also many other possibilities for how a stressful birth […]

Meet the Leadership: Sarah Holsombeck, ICAN of Birmingham

ICAN is excited to announce Sarah Holsombeck as our newest Chapter Leader! “I believe good things are on the horizon for mothers and babies in our city and in this state.” ~ Sarah Holsombeck, ICAN of Birmingham Please introduce yourself to ICAN: I live in Birmingham, AL with my husband and currently stay at home […]

ICAN Book Club: A Good Birth – Anne Drapkin Lyerly, M.D.

Every second Wednesday, our blog features a book review as part of our Book Club series! Check here to discover the latest books on topics such as pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and recovery from birth. If you have read the featured book or if you just finished a new and exciting book, please feel free to […]

Support ICAN Through Amazon’s Smile Program!

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on Amazon.com. The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers.   […]

Meet the Leadership: Tori Jennings, ICAN of Southeastern PA

ICAN is excited to announce Tori Jennings as our newest Chapter Leader! “I am most excited to help moms through their journeys of healing as I know that it is a process that can be long and with its ups and downs but I hope to see moms cross over to the other side.” ~ […]

ICAN on Pinterest!

Are you a Pinner? Do you often choose Pinterest as the first place to gather ideas? Check out our newest boards to follow! ICAN is on Pinterest bringing you the latest information to a central online location for education, support, and advocacy. There are boards for Birth Stories, Birth Affirmations, Accreta Awareness and more. Currently, […]

Previous Cesarean Increases Likelihood of Future Hysterectomy Complications

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is proud to have Henci Goer, medical author and international speaker, on our advisory committee. In addition to her books and numerous online writings, she is also the founder and director of Childbirth U, a website dedicated to educating pregnant women about their birth options. We have selected the following […]

Meet the Leadership: Nicole Bruno, ICAN of Northern Virginia

ICAN is excited to announce Nicole Bruno as our newest Chapter Leader! “I believe in access to choices for all birthing people and believe in supporting them through all birth experiences.” ~ Nicole Bruno, ICAN of NOVA Please introduce yourself to ICAN: I co-own a doula company in Washington DC. I have a degree in […]

Volunteer of the Month: Amanda Beck, September 2017

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission. In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and […]