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Meet the Leadership: Jody Swank, ICAN of Chattanooga

ICAN is excited to announce Jody Swank as our newest Chapter Leader! “Every woman has the right to know her options and make the best decisions she can for her body and her baby.” – Jody Swank, ICAN of Chattanooga How did you find about about ICAN? I attended a meeting with a doula friend […]

Plastic Surgery After a Cesarean Section

Jamie Costello is a medical student in the U.K. that is focusing his education on cosmetic and plastic surgery. Mr. Costello has written a piece for us on cesarean scar repair. Some repairs are needed due to poor healing, or poor surgical technique. Others may be due to a need to remove the “cesarean pouch”, […]

Meet the Leadership: Andrea Moonen, ICAN of the Twin Cities

ICAN is excited to announce Andrea Moonen as our newest Chapter Leader! “I’m excited to create a space where moms know they have the power to choose the best birthing options for themselves. I also enjoy meeting in person and supporting each other wherever we may be in our process.” Andrea Moonen, ICAN of the Twin […]

Meet the Leadership: Eva Street, ICAN of Hagerstown and Frederick

ICAN is excited to announce Eva Street as our newest Chapter Leader! “All women should have access to support, resources, and choice of providers to be able to make the best decisions for their births.” – Eva Street, ICAN of Hagerstown and Frederick Please tell us about yourself. I was born in Slovakia. I moved […]

Karen Troy is ICAN’s August Volunteer of the Month!

ICAN is excited to announce Karen Troy as our August Volunteer of the Month! How long have you been an ICAN member? I have been an ICAN member since 2006. How did you first find ICAN? I started planning my VBAC the day that I scheduled my cesarean section with my son, who was breech. […]

Meet the Leadership: Carolin Gharbi, ICAN of the Twin Cities

ICAN is excited to announce Carolin Gharbi as our newest Chapter Leader! “I strongly believe that the way a birthing woman is treated is so incredibly powerful to framing her experience. Respect, informed consent and empowerment should be the cornerstones of any birth! ” – Carolin Gharbi, ICAN of the Twin Cities Please share a […]

Meet the Leadership: Jessica Breslin, ICAN of Northern Duchess

ICAN is excited to announce Jessica Breslin as our newest Chapter Leader! “ICAN is not attempting to make women feel victimized by their birth experience. Instead, the organization offers resources to women who may be having a difficult time with the physical and/or emotional aspects of recovery.” – Jessica Breslin, ICAN of Northern Dutchess How […]

ICAN’s July Volunteer of the Month

Dea Revania is ICAN’s July Volunteer of the Month! Dea is the Chapter Leader of ICAN of Indonesia. How did you find out about ICAN? I found out about ICAN through a Childbirth Educator workshop. They said if you need info about VBAC, you can visit the ICAN website. What motivates you as a volunteer? […]

Meet the Leadership: Jeri Jones, ICAN of Tulsa

ICAN is excited to announce Jeri Jones as our newest Chapter Leader!  ” I believe the option to have a VBAC is a human right and that providers do a disservice to their patients by not offering it as an option.” – Jeri Jones, ICAN of Tulsa What area does your chapter serve? Tulsa, OK […]

Meet the Leadership: Jill Panunto, ICAN of Delaware

ICAN is excited to announce Jill Panunto as our newest Chapter Leader! “I hope to ignite a drive to lower our cesarean rates, increase our VBAC success rates, and eventually, change legislation to allow VBACs outside the hospital setting.” – Jill Panunto, ICAN of Delaware Please share a little about yourself. I am a nature […]

Meet the Leadership: Jessica Anderson, ICAN of the Twin Cities

ICAN is excited to announce Jessica Anderson as our newest Chapter Leader! “I wish people knew ICAN isn’t just a VBAC group. We are welcoming of all people wherever they are on their journey.” – Jessica Anderson, ICAN of the Twin Cities Please share a little about yourself. I have 3 children, the first who was […]

Meet the Leadership: Aron Owens, ICAN of the Suncoast

ICAN is excited to announce Aron Owens as our newest Chapter Leader! “I am excited to empower moms who are considering a VBAC birth, to support moms who have had cesarean births, and to educate and reach out to physicians to encourage them to be true supporters of VBACs.” -Aron Owens, ICAN of the Suncoast […]