CBAC Guest Post: Birth Without Fear – CBAC Video

Home » Birth Story » CBAC Guest Post: Birth Without Fear – CBAC Video

During February 2018, birth stories and articles featured on ICAN’s blog will be focused on CBACs – Cesarean Birth After a Cesarean. It is a term used to describe a birth that was planned as a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean, but instead resulted in another cesarean.


“I had a c-section in December of 2007. After that, I became a birth doula and got informed about birth. I planned a home birth for my next pregnancy. After 67 hours, we transferred to a baby friendly hospital and had a family-centered cesarean. He was born January 16, 2011, at 12:16 am. 8lbs 11oz of perfection. It wasn’t what we planned for, but it was beautiful nonetheless. I plan on going for a vba2c my next time around. I couldn’t have made it through my labor without my partner. He was and is my rock. The pictures were taken by my amazing doula.”

Permission to repost given by Birth Without Fear.

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