Meet the Leadership: Rachel Gorst, ICAN of Milwaukee

Home » ICAN » Meet the Leadership: Rachel Gorst, ICAN of Milwaukee

ICAN is excited to announce Rachel Gorst as our newest Chapter Leader!

“I think it’s important to educate yourself and know the facts and know all your options. I feel strongly that that is a number one contributor to unnecessary c-sections.” ~ Rachel Gorst, ICAN of Milwaukee

Please introduce yourself to ICAN:

I’m married to my best friend and we live in Milwaukee where we try to make it outside whenever there are warmth and sunshine. I like to hang out with my daughter all day long, work as a dental hygienist one day a week, and spend time with my husband and friends!

What led you to join ICAN?

I saw a meeting at the birth center we hoped to give birth in and I came because I was still processing my recent c-section. My daughter was born via cesarean after a 50-hour labor because the doctor assessed that her head was asynclitic. I have another on the way! They will be the infamous “Two under two”.

How do you share ICAN as an organization with others?

I’m excited about helping other moms heal and giving them an open space to share their story – to let them know that ICAN is open to all traumatic births, not just cesareans!

Where will you be serving families through ICAN?

Milwaukee area but we’ll soon be expanding to Madison too.

Please share your upcoming Chapter meeting:

Well Rounded Maternity Center- 2455 S. Howell Ave, Milwaukee WI 53207; February 25th from 1:30-3:30. No specific topic.

Congratulations, Rachel!


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