Meet the Leadership: Cassia Beckman, ICAN of Atlanta

Home » ICAN » Meet the Leadership: Cassia Beckman, ICAN of Atlanta

ICAN is excited to announce Cassia Beckman as our newest Chapter Leader!

“Women have a right to be informed of their options, including the risks and benefits of those options, and make their own choices in their care. Healthy maternity care has to include respect for true informed consent as well as informed refusal.” – Cassia Beckman, ICAN of Atlanta                                                             

What area does your chapter serve?

We largely serve metro Atlanta, but we have members from all over the upper half of the state of Georgia.

What is the best thing about the birth climate in your area?

We have options! While some women may need to drive a bit, we do have multiple truly VBAC-supportive providers and practices.

Please share a little about yourself.

I love to learn! I studied Microbiology in college and planned a medical or research career. My career goals changed when my husband and I welcomed our first child and I segued directly to my role as mother and home manager. My microbiology training has been very useful in caring for our family and I continue to enjoy reading and evaluating new research, especially medical research.

My husband has been a wonderfully supportive partner and we now have 6 children, currently ranging from toddler to teenager. They are always teaching me something new!

What do you wish other people knew about ICAN?

We are not anti-cesarean! We recognize cesareans have a time and place. Our goal is for women to know their options and have access to evidence-based care.

Where can we get information about your chapter meetings and events?

Check out our ICAN of Atlanta Facebook page here!

Congratulations, Cassia!


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