Meet the Leadership: Megan Stark, ICAN of North Charlotte

Home » ICAN » Meet the Leadership: Megan Stark, ICAN of North Charlotte

ICAN is excited to announce Megan Stark as our newest Chapter Leader! 

“Birth is a life-changing experience, and I believe that education and support is the key to making sure the experience is one you remember with power and joy!” – Megan Stark, ICAN of North Charlotte


Please share a little about yourself.

My passion is inspiring women to make the best choices for their pregnancy, birth, postpartum and parenting through evidence based education. I love spending time outdoors, mountain biking, laughing and playing with my son. Being a mom to my sweet boy is my greatest achievement.

How did you find out about ICAN?

As a birthworker, doula, and childbirth educator, I’ve been a fan of ICAN and it’s important work and advocacy, even before my own birth. The role of ICAN is even more relevant to me now that I am a cesarean mom.

What is the best thing about the birth climate in your area?

I think the best thing is that women have the option of using a birth center.

What do you wish people knew about ICAN?

I wish they knew that it’s doing incredible work supporting moms and bringing awareness about the overuse of cesareans, and the need for more VBAC access.

Check out the ICAN of North Charlotte Facebook page here for upcoming meeting information!

Congratulations, Megan!





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