ICAN’s June Volunteer of the Month

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Rebecca Shelton is ICAN’s June Volunteer of the Month! 

Rebecca is a Chapter Leader for ICAN of the Midlands. 

How did you first find ICAN?

The chapter leader, Kristyn, asked if I’d be interested in co-leading the chapter with her. She was instrumental in my success with nursing after my initial cesarean, and I was definitely interested in advocating in the birth community.

What motivates you as a volunteer?

Knowing that there’s so much information and support to give to women during their pregnancy and birthing experiences. There is so much I wish I had known as a first time mom to be able to make a truly informed decision about my prenatal and birth care. My strongest motivation is helping women reach the point that they feel they are truly in control of the decisions that are being made in regards to their body, their baby, and their birth experience.

Do you have a profession or other passion outside of ICAN?

I am a birth doula and birth photographer in my local area.

As a doula, I endeavor to be the person who is supportive and in tune with each individual’s needs. Communication is crucial to me and I will do my best to make sure every family I work with feels safe, listened to and respected.

As a birth photographer, I understand how important it is to capture the first few moments of a baby’s life, as well as the process leading up to them. Being able to be in the room with a family bringing their child into the world is the best feeling. My favorite thing is capturing those photos for families to treasure for years to come.

What was your proudest moment as an ICAN volunteer? What about your hardest?

My proudest moments are when the organization is recognized for doing meaningful work in the birth community. All of our meetings, all of our rallies, and expos work together to bring moms to the information and people that they need to have a successful and fulfilling birth, in the way that they choose to birth.

My hardest moment is still the misconceptions about ICAN and our mission. It’s always nice to help women realize that we are about women’s choices, not a certain way of birthing. We advocate for informed choice and decisions and I wish more women understood that.

Thank you for your continued dedication, Rebecca!

We appreciate everything you do for ICAN, and for the community!

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