July 2018

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ICAN’s July Volunteer of the Month

Dea Revania is ICAN’s July Volunteer of the Month! Dea is the Chapter Leader of ICAN of Indonesia. How did you find out about ICAN? I found out about ICAN through a Childbirth Educator workshop. They said if you need info about VBAC, you can visit the ICAN website. What motivates you as a volunteer? […]

Meet the Leadership: Jeri Jones, ICAN of Tulsa

ICAN is excited to announce Jeri Jones as our newest Chapter Leader!  ” I believe the option to have a VBAC is a human right and that providers do a disservice to their patients by not offering it as an option.” – Jeri Jones, ICAN of Tulsa What area does your chapter serve? Tulsa, OK […]

Meet the Leadership: Jill Panunto, ICAN of Delaware

ICAN is excited to announce Jill Panunto as our newest Chapter Leader! “I hope to ignite a drive to lower our cesarean rates, increase our VBAC success rates, and eventually, change legislation to allow VBACs outside the hospital setting.” – Jill Panunto, ICAN of Delaware Please share a little about yourself. I am a nature […]

Meet the Leadership: Jessica Anderson, ICAN of the Twin Cities

ICAN is excited to announce Jessica Anderson as our newest Chapter Leader! “I wish people knew ICAN isn’t just a VBAC group. We are welcoming of all people wherever they are on their journey.” – Jessica Anderson, ICAN of the Twin Cities Please share a little about yourself. I have 3 children, the first who was […]

Meet the Leadership: Aron Owens, ICAN of the Suncoast

ICAN is excited to announce Aron Owens as our newest Chapter Leader! “I am excited to empower moms who are considering a VBAC birth, to support moms who have had cesarean births, and to educate and reach out to physicians to encourage them to be true supporters of VBACs.” -Aron Owens, ICAN of the Suncoast […]