Meet the Leadership: Aron Owens, ICAN of the Suncoast

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ICAN is excited to announce Aron Owens as our newest Chapter Leader!

“I am excited to empower moms who are considering a VBAC birth, to support moms who have had cesarean births, and to educate and reach out to physicians to encourage them to be true supporters of VBACs.” -Aron Owens, ICAN of the Suncoast

Please share a little about yourself.

I am a mom of two (daughter is 3, son is 10 months) and I work as an Anatomy professor at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee. I enjoy working outside in the yard when I get some time to myself. I have surprisingly found it to be very relaxing and it has become my new hobby and stress reliever.

Where is your chapter located?

We are in Sarasota, Florida.

What is the best thing about the birth climate in your area?

We have 3 birth centers serving this area with the most amazing midwives! We have a such a great birthing community in that regard, and we have several OBs who are getting back to the basics of letting mom take the lead with her own birth.

What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?

I believe that moms are being robbed of their right to birth the way they choose and are being fed fear tactics to adhere to physician’s fears and wishes. It is imperative that these moms be empowered and that these providers be educated.

Would you like to share anything about your personal birth experiences?

My daughter was a cesarean since she was in a frank breech position and wasn’t keen on turning over. We tried EVERYTHING. Even an external cephalic version, and she kicked her little feet and put herself right back where she wanted to be. The day I went into labor, she actually had her hands behind her little head, kicked back and chillin’. She had no intention of leaving. My son was a planned home VBAC (my daughter was supposed to be a home birth as well) but the little guy couldn’t hold it anymore and pooped the biggest poop ever as my water broke… so off to the hospital we went! I had a natural VBAC there a few hours later.

Where can we find more information about your chapter?

Check out our chapter’s Facebook page here!

Congratulations, Aron!

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