Meet the Leadership: Jessica Anderson, ICAN of the Twin Cities

Home » ICAN » Meet the Leadership: Jessica Anderson, ICAN of the Twin Cities

ICAN is excited to announce Jessica Anderson as our newest Chapter Leader!

“I wish people knew ICAN isn’t just a VBAC group. We are welcoming of all people wherever they are on their journey.” – Jessica Anderson, ICAN of the Twin Cities

Please share a little about yourself.

I have 3 children, the first who was born by cesarean. I became a birth doula shortly after my first VBAC and have attended over 100 births since, with about half of them being TOLACs. My degree is actually in Event Management, but now I say instead of weddings, I work on helping mothers prepare for their births!

What areas does your chapter serve?

We serve the midwest region of Minnesota, including the Twin Cities and also western Wisconsin.

What is the best thing about the birth climate in your area?

We have many truly VBAC supportive provider options, both for in the hospital as well as at home.

What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?

I would like to get it out to people that “once a cesarean” does NOT mean always another one. I think that is an old-fashioned way of thinking, and yet I think a majority of people feel that way, or just don’t know that they do have options.

Where can we get more info about your chapter, including meeting dates and times?

Check out our chapter’s Facebook page here!

Congratulations, Jessica!

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