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Meet the Leadership: Alicea Acevedo, ICAN of Tallahassee

ICAN is excited to announce Alicea Acevedo as our newest Chapter Leader! “I have very strong feelings about providers giving out incomplete and misleading information. Women can make their own decisions but should have correct and complete information.” ~ Alicea Acevedo, ICAN of Tallahassee Please introduce yourself to ICAN: I am married with two daughters, […]

Black Maternal Health Week Arrives Soon!

Black Maternal Health Week (April 11 – 17) falls right in the middle of Cesarean Awareness Month and ICAN is gathering stories to raise awareness of the racism and discrimination people of color face in pregnancy and childbirth. Please help us in this effort! Submit your story here. Apply for ICAN’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee here.

2018 Cesarean Awareness Month T-Shirt Sale!

The newest t-shirt in ICAN’s awareness line is available now! Purchases can be made through March 23rd here. Available in two colors – graphite heather and ICAN garnet – proceeds will help support ICAN’s mission to improve maternal-child health by reducing preventable cesareans through education, supporting cesarean recovery, and advocating for vaginal birth after cesarean […]

CBAC Guest Post: My Body Is Not Broken and I Can Heal

When I found out I was pregnant the first time, I didn’t know much about the process or the world of birth. I did know that I would like to birth with as few interventions as possible. After all, women have been birthing for thousands of years, it should be no big deal, right? A […]

Volunteer of the Month: April Henry, March 2018

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission. In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and […]

CBAC Guest Post: Physical Recovery After CBAC

During February 2018, birth stories and articles featured on ICAN’s blog will be focused on CBACs – Cesarean Birth After a Cesarean. It is a term used to describe a birth that was planned as a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean, but instead resulted in another cesarean. Physical Recovery After CBAC By Pamela Vireday […]

CBAC Guest Post: Charlie’s Birth Story

During February 2018, birth stories and articles featured on ICAN’s blog will be focused on CBACs – Cesarean Birth After a Cesarean. It is a term used to describe a birth that was planned as a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean, but instead resulted in another cesarean. Charlie’s Birth Story February 8, 2016 It’s […]

Meet the Leadership: Rachel Gorst, ICAN of Milwaukee

ICAN is excited to announce Rachel Gorst as our newest Chapter Leader! “I think it’s important to educate yourself and know the facts and know all your options. I feel strongly that that is a number one contributor to unnecessary c-sections.” ~ Rachel Gorst, ICAN of Milwaukee Please introduce yourself to ICAN: I’m married to […]

CBAC Guest Post: Cesarean Birth After Cesarean, 18 Years Later

During February 2018, birth stories and articles featured on ICAN’s blog will be focused on CBACs – Cesarean Birth After a Cesarean. It is a term used to describe a birth that was planned as a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean, but instead resulted in another cesarean. Cesarean Birth After Cesarean, 18 Years Later […]

CBAC Guest Post: Felix’s Birth Story, my CSAC

During February 2018, birth stories and articles featured on ICAN’s blog will be focused on CBACs – Cesarean Birth After a Cesarean. It is a term used to describe a birth that was planned as a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean, but instead resulted in another cesarean. Felix’s Birth Story, My CSAC There’s a […]

Meet the Leadership: Jen Valencia, ICAN of Colorado Springs

ICAN is excited to announce Jen Valencia as our newest Chapter Leader! “I am most excited to help families know and understand they have options; that their birth choices belong to them. I am excited to be able to offer them a place for recovery, support, education, and most of all a voice.” ~ Jen […]