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ICAN Book Club: Cut, Stapled, and Mended – Roanna Rosewood

Every second Wednesday, our blog features a book review as part of our Book Club series! Check here to discover the latest books on topics such as pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and recovery from birth. If you have read the featured book or if you just finished a new and exciting book, please feel free to […]

CBAC Guest Post: Birth Without Fear – CBAC Video

During February 2018, birth stories and articles featured on ICAN’s blog will be focused on CBACs – Cesarean Birth After a Cesarean. It is a term used to describe a birth that was planned as a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean, but instead resulted in another cesarean.   “I had a c-section in December […]

Meet the Leadership: Jessica Upchurch, ICAN of Atlanta

ICAN is excited to announce Jessica Upchurch as our newest Chapter Leader! “I love being witness to the healing and growth of others. I love birth: the good, the bad, and the ugly. As a chapter leader, I get to be there as others share their story. I get to support and empower women.” ~ […]

CBAC Guest Post: Pushed to the Limit. Betrayed by my Body.

During February 2018, birth stories and articles featured on ICAN’s blog will be focused on CBACs – Cesarean Birth After a Cesarean. It is a term used to describe a birth that was planned as a VBAC, Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean, but instead resulted in another cesarean. Pushed to the Limit. Betrayed by my […]

Meet the Leadership: Gladys Lasley, ICAN of Louisville

ICAN is excited to announce Gladys Lasley as our newest Chapter Leader! “I want to see more VBAC and VBA2C options being offered in our community. Many mothers still do not know their options or have been misinformed and it is my responsibility to keep on sharing the mission of ICAN.” ~ Gladys Lasley, ICAN […]

Volunteer of the Month: Bronwyn Fackrell, February 2018

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission. In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and […]

Meet the Leadership: Brandie Kiefer, ICAN of Spokane

ICAN is excited to announce Brandie Kiefer as our newest Chapter Leader! “I want women to know that ICAN is about advocacy and supporting women’s birthing decisions. It’s not about only supporting some of their decisions or about trying to talk them into making a certain decision.” ~ Brandie Kiefer, ICAN of Spokane Please introduce […]

Birth Story: Elisabeth’s VBA2C

Originally published 2012 On the day of my 2nd cesarean section (C/S) I was nervous, anxious and just wanting to get it all over with. I had asked my OB about the possibility of a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). She said she was supportive but also told me of her colleague she had just […]

Birth Story: Shara’s VBA2C

Originally published 2012; View Shara’s birth video here My first two labors began with natural birthing dreams, each lasted 24 hours long and for different reasons (neither were medical emergencies) ended in the birth of our boys via c-section surgeries. After my second c-section, I had a very difficult time finding peace and healing from […]

Birth Story: Anne’s VBA2C

Originally published in 2012; link to Amazon Smile that donates a portion of proceeds to ICAN For those who don’t know where it all began, I’ll start with my first pregnancy. August 2008 – I got pregnant with my DD and worked with the Midwife Center to attempt a natural delivery. The entire pregnancy was […]