Meet the Leadership: Dedra Staka

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ICAN is excited to announce our newest Chapter Leader!

“I strongly believe it is possible for women to VBAMC, and they have the right to make informed decisions as I did with my HBA3C.” – Dedra Straka, ICAN of the Capital District (NY)

Please share a little about yourself.

I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science with an emphasis in Spanish and German. I’ve been married for 13 years and we have 4 children. I’ve been blessed to be a stay at home mom.

Would you like to tell us about your birth experiences?

Our daughter was born by scheduled cesarean in 2008 for being stubbornly breech. In 2011, our son was born by cesarean after doctors used “scare tactics.” In 2014, another daughter was born by cesarean as I felt pressured from doctor since I was over 40 weeks. The doctor did find I had a lower thin left uterine segment and upon 6 week check up with a midwife it was suggested we at least wait 2-3 years before considering another pregnancy. We learned in 2016 we were expecting our 4th. I had a horrible experience with an area provider around 15/16 weeks that led me to seek alternate options. This search proved difficult in finding anyone even to take me on after 3 cesareans until ICAN of the Capital District suggested 2 providers. I ended up switching my care to a homebirth midwife and another son was born safely at home in 2017, my HBA3C. His birth was very empowering. Since then I have made it my mission to share my story, educate and empower women to make informed decisions as I was given with my birth.

What areas does your chapter serve?

We are located in Upstate NY and serve Albany, Schenectady, Troy, Saratoga and Southern Adirondacks.

If you could change one thing about the birth climate in your area, what would it be?

I would like to see no VBAC bans in place.

When does your chapter meet?

We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Check out our Facebook page for meeting location & time and for more info about our chapter.


Congratulations, Dedra!


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