Meet the Leadership: Katherine Anderson

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ICAN is excited to announce our newest Chapter Leader!

“I love to listen to women sharing their birth stories and I fully believe in the transformative experience of being heard when you tell your story.” – Katherine Anderson, ICAN of Westchester

Please share a little about yourself.

I have a been a musician all my life and for many years a member of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. After working with an amazing childbirth educator and midwives for my births in 1995 & 1997 I got the birth “bug”! In 2000 I did my childbirth education training and labor support doula training and have taught classes and attended births ever since. Some of my hobbies include: hiking, running, swimming, yoga, meditation, watching movies, reading, spending time with friends and with my husband and two grown kids (daughter and son) and my two cats. I also love great food, travel and drinking tea.

What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?

I believe that women need to learn about the evidence based research regarding VBACs and cesareans and that it is SO important to find like-minded care providers who listen to the mom and help create an atmosphere of respect and trust.

What areas does your chapter serve?

Our chapter is located in Westchester County (just north of NYC). We serve that area as well as Rockland county and the Bronx.

What is the best thing about the birth climate in your area?

The best thing to me is that if you ask and research, there are support groups for so many things prenatally and postpartum: prenatal yoga, mommy and me yoga, breastfeeding support groups, postpartum depression groups, parenting groups, positive birth groups, birth story sharing, ICAN.

Where can we find more information about your chapter?

You can check out our Facebook page here, which includes meetings info.

Congratulations, Katherine!




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