October 30, 2019

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Accreta Awareness Month: Gemma’s Story

“Hello my name is Gemma and I am a 35 year old mother of 5 . My first pregnancy 15 years ago ended in a emergency section due to fetal destress, I fell pregnant with babies one and two really quickly so was advised to have planned sections so I did . Three c sections […]

Accreta Awareness Month: Jordan’s Story

“This month is Accreta Awareness Month. Many of you asked why my delivery was so traumatic. Well I’ll give you the summary of what happened during my pregnancy and delivery. At only 5 weeks pregnant, I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night to find blood when I wiped. I did spot […]

Accreta Awareness Month: Carol’s Story

“I have 3 girls 19,16 & 11 years old. All born very early at 27 weeks, 27 weeks, (angel baby boy, born asleep) 23+6 weeks & 26 weeks. So l knew it’d be a stressful pregnancy, just not this early. I was told at 5 weeks that baby had implanted on a previous c section […]